Sunday, May 1, 2011


To start off i am so happy we are done reading this Julius Caesar play. it wasnt the worst thing i have ever read but it still wasnt good. I feel like it would have been better had it been in modern english. It was just extremely hard to understand. I think this test we are gonna take will be pretty easy aside from the vocabulay part. Vocabulary can be so confusing. Oh well, i think i will do fine. this weekend was good though. My AAU team had another tournament. We played in Worthington at Kilbourne. We went 4-1 overall and the only game we lost was our first game of pool play. We ended up winning the championship of our bracket. Overall it was a good weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Luckily, it turned out that the test wasn't too bad. That's great that your AAU team is doing well. It's right in the middle of the club soccer season for me.
